Harvard Sussex Program
on chemical and biological warfare armament and arms limitation

HSP Reports from Geneva

Since 1994, HSP has been reporting closely on progress on the Geneva negotiations to strengthen the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC). Our reporter throughout has been, and continues to be, Professor Graham Pearson, who is a member of the HSP Advisory Board as well as being a leading authority in the field. His regular reports initially appeared as quarterly reviews in The CBW Conventions Bulletin. Below, there are links to all of them, as well as to additional special reviews and commentaries on the negotiations that he has written for us.

No 44 - February 2016

No 43 - October 2015

No 42 - May 2015

No 41 - March 2015

No 40 - October 2014

No 39 - March 2014

No 38 - November 2013

No. 37 - March 2013

No. 36 - September 2012

Special - March 2012: The BWC Seventh Review Conference

No. 34 - May 2011

Special - May 2011: The Montreux Workshop preparing for the BWC Seventh Review Conference

No. 33 - January 2011

Special - December 2010: The Beijing workshop preparing for the BWC Seventh Review Conference

No. 32 - October 2010

No. 31 - February 2010

No. 30 - October 2009

No.29 - December 2008

No. 28 - September 2008

No. 27 - February 2008

No. 26 - October 2007

Special - December 2006: The BWC Sixth Review Conference

No. 25 - May 2006

No. 24 - September 2005

No. 23 - June 2005

No. 22 - December 2004

No. 21 - September 2004

No. 20 - December 2003

No. 19 - September 2003

No. 18 - December 2002

No. 17 - December 2001

Special - September 2001: US rejection of the Protocol

No. 16 - September 2001

No. 15 - June 2001

No. 14 - March 2001

No. 13 - December 2000

No. 12 - September 2000

No. 11 - June 2000

No. 10 - March 2000

No. 9 - December 1999

No. 8 - September 1999

No. 7 - June 1999

No. 6 - March 1999

No. 5 - December 1998

No. 4 - September 1998

No. 3 - June 1998

Special - March 1998: A Lean Organization to Strenghten the BWC

No. 2 - March 1998

No. 1 - December 1997

Special - June 1996: Implementing BWC Article X

Special - December 1994: Outcome of the BWC Special Conference