
Opening hours

Opening times for the Sport Centre and Falmer Sports Complex

Opening hours over winter 2023

The Sport Centre closes at 4pm on the 21st December 2023. It reopens on the 3rd January 2024.

The Falmer Sports Complex closes at 10pm on the 21st December 2023. It is open on the 27th and 29th, from10-4pm. It reopens on the 2nd January 2024.

Falmer Sports Complex: 

Falmer Sports Complex

Monday to Friday 7.30am -10.00pm

Saturday: 9am - 6pm

Sunday 9am - 6pm

Sport Centre: 

Sport Centre

Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 10.00pm

Saturday: 9.30am - 6pm

Sunday: 9.30am  - 6pm

Assessment period opening hours

Out of term time, opening hours are subject to change. Please look here nearer assessment periods.


Please check University term dates for specific dates and campus vacation days.

Peak times at our fitness rooms and facilities

Fitness rooms

Peak - Monday to Sunday 2.30pm-close at both sites

Hall, badminton, table tennis, tennis and squash bookings

Peak - Monday to Friday 4pm-10pm (3.50pm will be the start of peak squash)

ATP and 3G bookings

Peak - Monday to Friday 4pm-10pm; all day Saturday and Sunday

All other times are off peak