Organisational Development

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training

Our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) e-learning courses are designed to support all staff in their day-to-day work, and promote respect and dignity across our University community.

A colourful heart icon with text overlaid: Equal, Diverse, Accessible, Flexible, InclusiveThe EDI Unit is responsible for promoting, coordinating and embedding equality, diversity and inclusion at Sussex. To learn more about their objectives and ongoing work to reduce inequality and celebrate diversity at Sussex, visit the EDI webpages

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Mandatory training for staff

Learnupon logo

The University uses e-Learning platform, LearnUpon, to deliver essential training to staff. You should be able to login using your Sussex username (eg. ab123@sussex) and password. 

Diversity in the Workplace

An introduction to the University's approach and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. All new staff are automatically enrolled on this course and expected to complete it within their first month. Complete the Diversity in the Workplace training on LearnUpon.

Unconscious Bias

Recommended for all staff and mandatory for Grades 7 and above. This training aims to increase awareness of unconscious bias and how it impacts people with protected characteristics. Complete the Unconscious Bias training on Learnupon.

Recruitment and Selection

We must ensure that we recruit equitably and within the law. All staff involved in recruitment are required to complete this course within one month of employment start date, or upon taking on recruitment responsibilities. Complete the Recruitment and Selection training on Learnupon.

EDI training on Learnupon

In addition to the mandatory training for staff, you can find a broad range of courses in the LearnUpon catalog and self-enrol on anything that looks of interest or useful to you. These courses typically take less than an hour to complete and can be accessed at a time and place to suit you.

Disability Essentials

Disability Essentials is a new introductory course designed to ensure people are confident and comfortable talking about disability. The course combines legal expertise with the lived experience of disabled people to support staff in their knowledge and engagement with disabled staff and students. Complete the Disability Essentials training on Learnupon.

Trans and non-binary awareness 

A non-binary person

Many trans and non-binary people encounter inappropriate behaviour and a lack of understanding and respect, both at work and in society. 

Using a mix of drama, real-life stories and expert commentary, this short course provides a unique insight into what it’s like to be trans and non-binary in today’s society, setting out appropriate language and etiquette and reinforcing the importance of treating trans and non-binary colleagues and customers with the dignity and respect they deserve. View the Trans and non-binary awareness training on Learnupon.

Supporting trans and non-binary people at work

Using a mix of original drama, personal testimony and legal analysis, together with an in-depth case study featuring leading UK insurance company LV=, this short course provides an essential toolkit for managers in managing and supporting trans and non-binary staff at all levels of an organisation. View the Supporting trans and non-binary people training on Learnupon.

Disabled adventures in work and recruitment 

Woman sitting in front of a stage with a red curtain

This short film takes a humorous look at the world of work from the perspective of disabled people, featuring disabled professional comedians from the comedy collective, Abnormally Funny People.

It also provides guidance on recruiting and employing disabled people and sets out how to provide reasonable adjustments and support in the workplace. Watch Disabled adventures in work and recruitment on Learnupon.

Neurodiversity: An Introduction

A 30-minute video-based course that explores strategies and inclusive practices to create the best possible conditions for neurodivergent thinkers to thrive in the workplace. This training is recommended for managers and supervisors, but open to all Sussex staff. Complete the Introduction to Neurodiversity training on Learnupon.

Other EDI courses on Learnupon

Bullying and harassment

We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for every member of our University community. If you or someone else has experienced behaviours such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination, you can report it using the Report and Support tool.

Challenging Behaviour 

Combining original drama, personal testimony and expert analysis, this course covers a wide range of bullying and harassment issues, giving employees the tools for recognising and tackling inappropriate behaviour and the skills for working successfully as part of a diverse team. 

Complete the Challenging Behaviour training on Learnupon.

The Effective Bystander

As bystanders in our everyday and working lives, we all have a responsibility to take action when we witness bullying, harassment and other inappropriate behaviour. This course looks at effective bystander intervention strategies and sets out when it might be appropriate and constructive to use them. 

Complete the Effective Bystander training on Learnupon.

Union Black Santander Scholarship

Staff and students can enrol on Union Black: Britain's Black cultures and steps to anti-racism, an online antiracism learning programme developed by Santander in partnership with the Open University

Available to staff and students until May 2024 via the Santander Scholarship Platform, learners have the option of a one-hour introductory version of the course entitled ‘Introducing Union Black’ as an alternative to the full six-hour course.

Union Black explores antiracism through aspects of Black British history, culture and experience, examining some of the stereotypes and myths that exist today. The course also opens a broader conversation around structural racism, labels and identities. 

Union Black supports the University's focus on inclusion and antiracism in our community, and follows on from the work we are doing towards our Race Equality Charter and Antiracist Sussex Pledge.

View/download the Union Black Step-by-step Access Guide [PDF 279.47KB]

Union Black course image

Dismantling bias and celebrating diversity

This online workshop, delivered by Megan Reed from Diversity and Ability, explores intersectional diversity and how we can dismantle bias through raising awareness, presenting the benefits and setting a baseline by which positive change can take place.

Watch the original video on Youtube to access the transcript for this video.

Recommended courses on Linkedin Learning

Blue Linkedin iconAll Sussex staff have free access to more than 16,000 courses on LinkedIn Learning. You should be able to login using your Sussex username (eg. ab123@sussex) and password. For more information on how to get started, visit the ITS LinkedInLearning webpage.
Skills for inclusive conversations

Organisations benefit from diversity when employees bring their authentic selves to work, fostering productivity, innovation, and engagement. Authenticity involves openly discussing diverse work and life experiences tied to one's identity. Developing skills for meaningful conversations on sensitive topics like race, religion, and gender is crucial for HR professionals, managers, and team leaders. Mary-Frances Winters outlines a step-by-step process to enhance inclusive communication skills, including self-assessment, navigating polarisation, and employing practical techniques for discussing challenging topics.

Go to Skills for Inclusive Conversations on Linkedin Learning.

Confronting bias: thriving across our differences

Find greater meaning, well-being, and productivity by learning how to interact with others across differences. Discover how to create inclusive environments where everyone can thrive. In this course, Arianna Huffington and Verna Myers discuss the impact of our cultural lens on our daily relations and how to counter bias in our words and actions.

Go to Confronting Bias: Thriving Across our Differences on LinkedinLearning
Creating psychological safety in diverse teams

Today's workforce comprises multiple generations, cultures, and ways of working. By creating a culture of psychological safety—in which team members feel comfortable taking risks—you can lead these diverse teams to greater success. Get strategies for communicating with people who think differently than you, managing across cultures, and helping your direct reports form habits that actually stick. Plus, learn how to find balance among the skill sets in your organisation by embracing the unique talents that each person brings to the team.

Go to Creating psychological safety on Linkedin Learning.

Supporting workers with disabilities

A professional with a disability may also have an aptitude for project management, graphic design, or full-stack development. But physical and social barriers in the world of work can make it difficult to fully capitalize on those skills—or worse, prevent them from securing gainful employment at all. Liz Johnson, a Paralympic gold-medalist and founder of The Ability People, seeks to knock down these barriers by helping organizations redefine how they view people with disabilities in the workforce. And in this course, she shares strategies that can help you do the same.

Discover how to sidestep conversations that don't serve your colleagues. Learn how to classify the appropriateness of offering assistance. Plus, get tips on how to select the best employee for a role by focusing on the desired outcome of a task—not the methodology. Upon finishing this course, you'll be ready to start creating a more accessible workplace where employees with disabilities are set up to thrive.

Go to Supporting Workers with Disabilities on Linkedin Learning

Unlocking authentic communication in a culturally diverse workplace

What does it take to be a great communicator, particularly in a global and culturally diverse modern workplace? The answer is, largely, authenticity. In this course, Jonathan Wilson teaches key principles of authentic communication, real-world tips for practicing authentic communication, and how to develop cultural awareness so you can build relationships, support colleagues from underrepresented groups, and be a more effective professional.

Go to Unlocking Authentic Communication on Linkedin Learning

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Organisational Development
Sussex House SH-230