Harvard Sussex Program
on chemical and biological warfare armament and arms limitation


HSP offers instruction and guidance to young people who wish to enter the community that HSP seeks to foster. Here, the university environment of HSP presents important opportunities, which we are exploiting in a gradual fashion. For example, at Harvard University undergraduates and graduates are offered a course (Molecular and Cellular Biology 384) on 'Military Applications of Chemistry and Biology', which is taught by HSP director Matthew Meselson. At the University of Sussex, Medical School undergraduates have in the past been offered a course entitled 'Germ warfare, bioterrorism - what have they got to do with me?', taught by Caitríona McLeish. Other opportunities arise through master's and doctor's degree programmes: in 2003, for example, two doctoral candidates under HSP supervision at Sussex successfully completed their work with dissertations on aspects of dual-technology governance in the field of biotechnology, and four further doctoral candidates are currently on this same track. Graduate students working with HSP have frequently enjoyed CBW-related internships with intergovernmental organizations or other research institutions. There are further training opportunities in the various HSP researcher positions at Harvard, Sussex and the OPCW. Former HSP trainees are now employed in international organizations, academia and government.