Harvard Sussex Program
on chemical and biological warfare armament and arms limitation


There are usually between ten and twenty people on the staff of HSP, a few of them working fulltime, the others part-time. They are mostly based at Harvard and Sussex universities, where some are members of faculty, some are doctoral candidates and others are support staff or consultants. Since 1993, an HSP researcher has also been based in the Netherlands, on loan to what has now become the Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical weapons (OPCW), which is the intergovernmental body headquartered in The Hague to oversee implementation of the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. HSP researchers have in addition been based in Brussels and Geneva, though none are at present.

There are two HSP directors, Matthew Meselson at Harvard and Julian Perry Robinson at Sussex. They have been collaborating since 1967 in what later would become HSP. Meselson teaches and conducts research in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. He is also the Faculty Chair for CBW Studies at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, which is an element of the J F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Robinson is a professorial fellow of SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex. HSP is guided by an international Advisory Board. The people currently on the staff of HSP or on its Advisory Board are as follows:


Matthew Meselson, Director
Jeanne Guillemin, Researcher
Janet Montgomery, Administrator
Sandra Ropper, Archivist


Julian Perry Robinson, Director
Caitríona McLeish, Researcher
Kai Ilchmann, Researcher
James Revill, Researcher
Tony Phillips, Visiting Fellow
Nicholas Dragffy, Consultant
Carolyn Sansbury, HSP Production Manager

The Hague

Researcher - to be appointed.

HSP Advisory Board

Will Carpenter (USA)
Jonathan Dean (USA)
Shirley Freeman (Australia)
James Leonard (USA)
Jan Medema (Netherlands)
Graham Pearson (UK)
Abdullah Toukan (Jordan)

Former Advisory-Board Members

Ian Kenyon, (UK)
Charles Flowerree (USA)
Jack Ooms (Netherlands)

HSP Associates

The people identified here once had and, in most cases, continue to have a close working association with HSP activities. Many are former members of HSP staff.

Catherine Jefferson (UK), Sussex DPhil Student 2005-09, Sussex Researcher 2009-10
Katie Smallwood (Gevena), Sussex DPhil Student 2004-10, Hague Researcher 2007-08
Daniel Feakes (The Hague), Sussex Researcher 2000-09
Brian Balmer (London), Sussex Researcher 1993-94
Eitan Barak (Jerusalem), Harvard Researcher 2000-01
Stephen Black (Washington), Harvard Researcher 1999-2001
Gordon Burck (Washington), Bulletin Producer 1988-89
Marie Chevrier (Dallas), Harvard Researcher 1997-98
Priyamwada Deshingkar (Delhi), Sussex Researcher 1985-92
Treasa Dunworth (Auckland), Hague Researcher 1995-97
Simon Evans (Bristol), Sussex Assistant Researcher 2002-03
Amy Gordon (Chicago), former Harvard Researcher
Chandre Gould (South Africa)
Richard Guthrie (UK), Bulletin Producer and Webmaster 1993-2003
Elisa Harris (Maryland), Harvard Researcher 1985-87
Peter Herby (Geneva), Hague Researcher 1993
Laura Holgate (Washington), HCCC Convenor 1991-92
Mitslal Kifleyesus-Matschie (Germany), Brussels Researcher 1995-97
Lora Lumpe (Oslo), Bulletin Producer 1989-93
Pamela Mills (Damascus), Hague Researcher 2000-02
John Parachini (Washington), Bulletin Publisher1993-94
Tony Randle (Brighton), Sussex Archivist, until 2005
Justin Smith (Washington), Hague Researcher 1994-95
Scott Spence (The Hague), Hague Researcher 2003-2005
Jessica Stern (Washington) Harvard Researcher 1989-92
Fiona Tregonning (London), Hague Researcher 2002-03
Emmanuelle Tuerlings (Geneva), Geneva then Sussex Researcher 1998-2002
Henrietta Wilson (Southampton), Sussex Researcher 1993-97