Chaplaincy and Meeting House


Meet our groups

Find out more about groups and leaders we have at Sussex.


Lead Chaplain: James Croft

I'm James, and I'm the University Chaplain and Lead Faith Advisor here at Sussex.

I know that not everyone is religious, and not everyone feels at home talking about religion or spirituality.  As a Humanist, I am not religious myself. So, whether you are religious or not, you have a home here.  You belong


Alan Green

I have been a parish priest in Liverpool and East London and have just arrived to be the Anglican Chaplain here and the parish priest of St Laurence, Falmer, which is your local parish church.

I am available to all members of the University – Church of England, world-wide Anglican Communion, other denominations, world faiths and beliefs, or no faith at all..... – to offer support and pastoral care. I am inclusive in my outlook and very happy to assist you in exploring faith and spirituality. Do contact me if you wish to make use of any of the Sacraments of the Church, such as Baptism or Marriage.

Once I am established here I will celebrate a regular Holy Communion service in the Meeting House – please watch out for further announcements if this is of interest to you.

You are also very welcome to make your way up the hill to the village of Falmer to join us at our Sunday service of Holy Communion at the church of St Laurence, which begins at 10am.

You can contact me on

Andrew Jackson

Andrew is a lay (Anglican) Chaplain with responsibility for international students and has previously worked as part of the Chaplaincy team at University of Nottingham (1988-92) and the University of York (1993-2000).


Fr Rod Jones

I am a Benedictine monk and priest from Worth Abbey. Before joining the Monastery, I studied architecture at Brighton University. As a student I became involved in the Catholic Chaplaincy, situated at that time in central Brighton.

It was through the Chaplaincy that I first visited the Abbey. After completing my studies, in response to what I discerned to be an 'invitation' from the Lord, I joined the monastic community at Worth.

The monastic life I live, inspired by scripture and the Rule of St Benedict, is a way of life rooted in prayer, community living and pastoral ministry. I have been involved in several different ministries, including teacher, chaplain, parish priest and more recently, working as Director of the Retreat Centre at Worth Abbey. This brought me into regular contact with groups of young adults and students - including annual visits from Sussex and Brighton Catholic Chaplaincy!

My appointment as the Roman Catholic Chaplain to Sussex University, brings me back to the place, where in a significant way, my vocation as a priest and monk developed. There is something both fascinating and wonderful about the 'spiritual symmetry' of God's loving providence!


Erin Tilley




Jason Evans

Jason has been a member of Brighton Quaker Meeting since 2002 and has served a number of roles including Overseer and Elder. He is now part of the Clerking team at Brighton Meeting. He is a member of the Green Party and practices jazz harmonica and Taiji Quan.

Particular interests relating to spirituality include Soto Zen, The Bhagavad Gita and Brighton's Interfaith scene. Within Quakerism, Jason is particularly enthusiastic about Experiment with Light (a Quaker meditation) and the distinctively Quaker approach to Christianity.

Jason is also interested in focusing, promoting good mental health, and reviving dreamwork as a Quaker spiritual practice.

Christian Missionary Alliance

Tai Ming Pang

I am a missionary from Hong Kong as well as a Chinese Pastor at the local churches (Brighton Alliance Church and East London Alliance Church) in Brighton and Deptford, London. I have lived in and around London for forty years and happily married with three sons.

My frieds would describe me as easy going and a good listener. I am a positive person and enjoy other people's company but also value being by myself from time to time. I enjoy good books and movies, the countyside and nature.




「各人不要只顾自己的事,也要为别人的需要着想。」(腓立比书 2:4)


Rabbi Zalman Lewis

Rabbi Zalman, together with his wife Shterna are the directors of Chabad South East Coast Universities, and have been active in supporting Jewish students in Brighton since 2004.

As the Jewish Chaplain at Sussex, Zalman holds a weekly lunch 'n' learn session in the Students' Union, and can be spotted regularly in the various cafes, the library and around the Sussex campus on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Zalman works in close partnership with the University's Jewish Society, and also a range of events on campus and at Chabad House overlooking the Level Park in Brighton. Events include weekly delicious, traditional, home-style Shabbat dinners, Jewish Festival events, informal socials and inspiring and thought provoking study sessions in Jewish thought.


Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber

Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber has worked at Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue since summer 2022. He is a Sussex graduate (Politics and International Relations, 2011-14) and former President of the Jewish Society. He knows what it's like to be Jewish and living away from home for the first time, and is always happy to connect with anybody struggling with the university experience.


Ian Wallis

Father Ian was born in Brighton and graduated from University of Sussex with an Honours Degree in Education and Religious Studies. He believes that the Chuch's mission today has to embrace not only the Ecumenical Movement but also interfaith relations.

It is in the spirit of "Churches Together" that Father Ian undertakes his work as a chaplain, not only at the University of Sussex, but also in the local prisons at Lewes and Ford, as well as local hospitals.


Paul Johanson

I was brought up as a Roman Catholic and begain training at a Rinzai Zen temple in London under the guidance of Kyudo Roshi abbot of Ryutaku-Ji, from 1988 to 1992. In 1991 I began sitting with a local Tibet Buddhist group called Maitrikara and met my current teacher, Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche and trained under his guidance since 1992.

I still feel a strong connection to my Christian roots and to my early Zen training. I am very interested in all spiritual paths and I am deeply grateful for the wisdom that is made available to us by all the great religions tradions. I am also very interested in the humanist/scientific traditions in western culture, particularly the new field of contemplative science.

United Reformed Church

Kim Wood

I read Theology at the London School of Theology and am married to a Minister of the United Reformed Church. I love to listen to Classic FM and like to meet people and talk. Do please say hello to me when you see me around the campus or pop into the Meeting House for a chat - you are always welcome.


Mahmoud Bukar-Maina

I grew up in Nguru, Nigeria to a Muslim parent where I attended both Islamic and Western Schools. I joined Univeristy of Sussex in 2011 for my MSc in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience. I have completed my PhD in Neuroscience and currently work as a postdoctoral research fellow in Neuroscience/Biochemistry at the School of Life Sciences.

During my time as a student, I was President of the Nigerian Society, served as a Treasurer of the Islamic Society and a Students' Union Ambassador. I regularly visit Africa where I organise public engagement activities to promote public understanding of science and dispel religious misconceptions about it.

Music in the Meeting

D'Arcy Trinkwon, University Organist is one of the outstanding virtuoso organists of his generation. He performs in international festivals and concert series around the world giving concerts in Concert Hall, Cathedrals and Churches including television and radio broadcasts. He is also Organist to Worth Abbey

He will perform 45 minutes of music on the last Wednesday of the month during term time at 12pm.

The Chamber Choir meets on Mondays at 6-7.30pm, you are welcome to attend and join if you are interested.