The information provided in this form will only be used by the University for the purposes for which it is being submitted. Any personal data provided will be processed in accordance with the University’s privacy notice (link opens in new tab) and current data protection legislation. By selecting “Submit”, you consent to your personal data being processed.

Community feedback form

Use our form to report a problem or share your feedback.

After you submit your form, a member of our team will contact you within 48 working hours with a response.

Write a brief description of the complaint. To help us deal with your complaint, please include the following information:

  • what has happened
  • dates and times of the complaint
  • address or area you want to talk to us about
  • if you have spoken to the students (tenants), the person/agent managing the property or the council about this problem

What happens next

We resolve most complaints after they are reported by contacting and meeting with our students to discuss the complaint. However, there are a small number that we may need to investigate further. In these cases, we advise you throughout the process and help you gain a resolution as quickly as possible by working closely with all parties involved (council teams, agent, landlord and local community liaison teams).


Your personal information will be kept confidential unless we have your written permission to share this with the University of Brighton Accommodation Office, BIMM Student Support Office or relevant parties such as letting agents, landlords concerned or local council departments.

The tenants will only be advised that there has been a complaint and the nature of it and not who made it.

Please note that whilst the University will take every step possible to resolve any issues, it does not have any statutory power to enforce action outside of University regulations and we may advise you to report issues to local environmental health, private-sector housing team, landlords, agents or police services for additional support.

The information provided in this form will only be used by the University for the purposes for which it is being submitted. Any personal data provided will be processed in accordance with the University’s privacy notice (link opens in new tab) and current data protection legislation. By selecting “Submit”, you consent to your personal data being processed.