The information provided in this form will only be used by the University for the purposes for which it is being submitted. Any personal data provided will be processed in accordance with the University’s privacy notice (link opens in new tab) and current data protection legislation. By selecting “Submit”, you consent to your personal data being processed.

Access Programme sign-up

Applying for the University of Sussex Access Programme does not guarantee you a place on all of our activities. This will be subject to confirmation from the Sussex Access Programme team via email. The form should take 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Your details
Enter the full details of your home or main residence address.
This is the email address we will contact you on after you submit this form.
Which school year are you currently in?
More information
Let us know if any of the following applies to you, so we can see if you're eligible for our Access Plus Programme (link opens in new tab).

A young person who has spent any time in local authority care, such as foster care or residential children’s homes. It also includes young people who are in, or have been in, kinship care.

Someone who regularly provides emotional and/or practical support and assistance for a family member who is disabled, physically or mentally unwell, or who misuses substances.

Estranged students are young people studying without the support and approval of a family network.

Let us know which of the following applies to you.

Let us know if there’s anything we can do to support you during the programme.
Your school/college details
If you're not currently at school or college, you can write 'n/a'.
Please list all the subjects and qualifications you are currently studying (e.g. Chemistry A-Level, BTEC etc.) If you aren’t currently in study, list your most recent qualifications.
Name as many subjects as you like. You can also say 'unsure' if you don't know yet.
Parent/guardian/carer details

This section should be completed by the parent, guardian or carer unless you are over the age of 18.

The University of Sussex aims to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for every child or young person.

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) recommends that it is a good practice to have a parental consent when enrolling children in one of our settings, so we have relevant information for each applicant.

If you are over the age of 18, please enter n/a.

Enter n/a if you are over 18.
Enter n/a if you are over 18.
Enter n/a if you are over 18.
Enter n/a if you are over 18.

Parents/guardians/carers should now read through the student Code of Conduct and the parents, guardians and carers useful information.

I confirm I have read the information presented. I understand that my young person must adhere to the rules and regulations set out for the duration of the University of Sussex Access programme. I understand that my young person may be prevented from continuing on the Sussex Access programme in the event that they contravene this agreement. I give permission for my young person to attend the Sussex Access Programme, including in-person and online events.

Student confirmation and final details

Please read the terms and conditions set out in the student Code of Conduct to be able to participate in the University of Sussex Access Programme.

You should inform your school or college if you will be absent from a lesson due to participating in an activity on the Sussex Access programme.

We would like to evaluate the success of our programme. Let us know if you are happy to be contacted for research purposes relating to the programme. This will not affect your participation in the programme.

Our Marketing team would like to contact you with further information regarding courses and events available here at the University of Sussex. We will only email you with useful information about the University of Sussex and you can unsubscribe at any time.

I have read, understood, and agree to the student Code of Conduct for the University of Sussex Access programme. I understand that I must adhere to the rules and regulations set out for the duration of the University of Sussex Access programme. I understand that I may be prevented from continuing on the Sussex Access programme in the event that I contravene this agreement.

Data protection

We ask you to provide personal information when completing this form. The information is used to help us to improve access and participation in Higher Education and to ensure that there are equal opportunities for individuals to access and succeed in Higher Education, including the degree outcomes that students achieve and their success in employment. The information provided in this form will only be used by the University for these purposes. Our Privacy notice (link opens in new tab) explains how the University collects and uses personal information and you can find more information about our commitment to processing your personal information in a way that is compliant with data protection legislation in our Access and Participation in Higher Education Privacy notice (link opens in new tab).

We share some of your personal information with the Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT). HEAT is a nationwide database used by universities to monitor the effectiveness of their Widening Participation and Outreach programmes. Details of how HEAT will process your personal information can be found in HEAT Privacy notice (link opens in new tab.

The information provided in this form will only be used by the University for the purposes for which it is being submitted. Any personal data provided will be processed in accordance with the University’s privacy notice (link opens in new tab) and current data protection legislation. By selecting “Submit”, you consent to your personal data being processed.