The information provided in this form will only be used by the University for the purposes for which it is being submitted. Any personal data provided will be processed in accordance with the University’s privacy notice (link opens in new tab) and current data protection legislation. By selecting “Submit”, you consent to your personal data being processed.

Provide your feedback

Enter your name if you would like us to contact you about your feedback.
Enter your email address if you would like us to contact you about your feedback.
Enter the name of the representative that you are submitting feedback about.
Give as much information as you like to further identify the representative, such as the country or city where they're based.
Provide your feedback about the representative in the box below. There is no word limit. Examples may include whether they provided timely or accurate information or whether they failed to match your expectations.
Upload any supporting documents that you feel it would be helpful for us to know about.
Maximum of 5MB

The information provided in this form will only be used by the University for the purposes for which it is being submitted. Any personal data provided will be processed in accordance with the University’s privacy notice (link opens in new tab) and current data protection legislation. By selecting “Submit”, you consent to your personal data being processed.