Academic Quality and Partnerships

Regulations for examinations and assessment

Find out about our regulations around exams and assessment at the University of Sussex for taught provision.

Our regulations

The Examination and Assessment Regulations are approved by Senate and govern the way in which all taught students (undergraduate and postgraduate) are considered for progression and award at Sussex.

Our regulations ensure we are adopting best practice in relation to examination and assessment principles and processes, and that we are treating all students with equity and parity.

The Examination and Assessment Regulations below apply to students taking assessments in 2023/24, including students continuing their studies from previous years.

For Examination and Assessment Regulations related to research degrees, please go to the Research Student Administration Office webpage.

These regulations provide the formal documentation governing examinations and assessment.

They are split into two sections:

Section one

Section two

These regulations cover examination and assessment policies and procedures.

Interim Regulations approved by Senate at its meeting on the 27 April for use until the end of the 2022-23 academic year, including the A3 resit period in August/September 2023, the resit boards and the PGT boards in autumn 2023.

University of Sussex and Zhejiang Gongshang PGT regulations (to be updated)

University of Sussex and Zhejiang Gongshang UG regulations (to be updated)

Changes to regulations

A summary of changes to the regulations compared to the previous year can be found here.

Information for students on the regulations

See your degree explained on the Student Hub.

Previous versions of the regulations

Full regulations 2022-23

 Full regulations 2021-22

2021-22 Progression and Award Regulations

2020-21 Progression and Award Regulations

Degree outcomes statement 2022

The Degree Outcomes Statement 2022 outlines the University's degree classification profile and the outcome of a review of associated processes and actions. Degree Outcome statement for 2023 to follow.

Managing Disruption to Online Assessment (IT Outage) Policy

The University Managing Disruption to Online Assessment IT Outage Policy applies where there has been a significant IT outage, confirmed by IT Services, that materially impacts on student access to University systems for learning and for submission of assessment.

Forms for assessments

If a student comes to you with a query about an assessment, see our list of forms for assessment applications.

Giving feedback on our regulations

For information on how schools, external examiners and students can provide feedback on the regulations, see processes for raising regulatory issues.

Returning for a repeat semester or year

For students undertaking a repeat year/semester or returning from temporary/permanent withdrawal, the Learning Agreement 2023/24 should be completed.

The Learning Agreement guidance 2023/24 applies to all students on a repeat year/semester and students returning from temporary/permanent withdrawal.

Modes of assessment

See a list of all approved Modes of Assessment 2023/24

Exceptional circumstances

See exceptional circumstances guidance on the Student Hub.

Reasonable adjustments

Find out about reasonable adjustments.

Submitting work and getting feedback

See information on the Student Hub on how to submit your work and get feedback.

Marks calendar

Key dates and deadlines linked to the assessment process can be found in the marks calendar 2023/24.

More guidance

You can also go to:

  • your Academic Advisor: for academic advice related to your studies
  • the Student Centre: non-academic advice, welfare support and information regarding support available on campus and in the local area
  • the Disability Service: a team of specialist advisors who support students with disabilities and mental health issues.