Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Business Continuity and Risk Management

Most decisions we make involve risks and opportunities. In a similar way, the University will be exposed to risk when pursuing its objectives. The purpose of risk management is to provide a framework to enable managers to identify, assess and treat risks and harness opportunities so that the University can operate effectively and sustainably.

Business continuity considers the risk of disruption to the University’s activities. The aim of business continuity management is to develop resilience within the University’s Schools and Professional Services by raising awareness of the potential for disruption and maintaining plans for responding to incidents.

Ben Toogood is the University's Risk and Resilience Senior Manager. He can be contacted on B.P.Toogood@sussex.ac.uk.

Further information regarding the Protection of National Infrastructure can be found here.

You can find further resources relating to these areas below:

Business Continuity & Emergency Planning

Emergency Planning and Business Continuity

Risk Management

Please contact Ben to discuss any risk-related matters, and for copies of the University's Risk Management Policy and associated Risk Management Framework/guidance documents.