Employment Law - Foundations (M5012)

15 credits, Level 6

Autumn teaching

Work is not only the central source of material support for most of us. Governing the majority of hours during which we are awake, it is also a platform for social interaction, social inclusion and, sometimes, social exclusion.

Against this background, employment law sits between the public and the private, and is enriched by both.

You will develop an understanding of:

  • employment status
  • the contract of employment
  • equality and discrimination at work
  • termination and dismissal.


71%: Lecture
29%: Seminar


20%: Coursework (Media production)
80%: Written assessment (Essay)

Contact hours and workload

This module is approximately 150 hours of work. This breaks down into about 21 hours of contact time and about 129 hours of independent study. The University may make minor variations to the contact hours for operational reasons, including timetabling requirements.

We regularly review our modules to incorporate student feedback, staff expertise, as well as the latest research and teaching methodology. We’re planning to run these modules in the academic year 2023/24. However, there may be changes to these modules in response to COVID-19, staff availability, student demand or updates to our curriculum. We’ll make sure to let our applicants know of material changes to modules at the earliest opportunity.


This module is offered on the following courses: