French For Professional Purposes 3B (R1140)

15 credits, Level 6

Spring teaching

In this module you:

  • study complex factual and/or literary texts
  • learn to structure and present an argument, description, or narrative logically and clearly in French
  • study complex language structures including specialised terms
  • demonstrate in French, knowledge and analysis of a special subject linked to your chosen field of study, for example, writing a case study, report, or research project. Alternatively, you can choose to undertake a creative project including fiction writing, documentary or a web profile for professional purposes. 



100%: Seminar (Class, Seminar)


100%: Coursework (Portfolio)

Contact hours and workload

This module is approximately 150 hours of work. This breaks down into about 33 hours of contact time and about 117 hours of independent study. The University may make minor variations to the contact hours for operational reasons, including timetabling requirements.

We regularly review our modules to incorporate student feedback, staff expertise, as well as the latest research and teaching methodology. We’re planning to run these modules in the academic year 2023/24. However, there may be changes to these modules in response to COVID-19, staff availability, student demand or updates to our curriculum. We’ll make sure to let our applicants know of material changes to modules at the earliest opportunity.


This module is offered on the following courses: