photo of Duncan Mackrill

Mr Duncan Mackrill

Post:Honorary Senior Lecturer (Education)
Other posts:Associate (Education)
Location:ESSEX HOUSE EH 251
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Duncan Mackrill leads Professional Studies across the Initial Teacher Education courses in the School of Education and Social Work. He also leads the ITE Music (Secondary) course.

From 2012 until 2016 he was the Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Education and Social Work. Between 2008 to 2012 he led the PGCE Course, involving him in working with a significant number of schools to monitor, develop and support their work with Sussex PGCE trainees. He led the mentor training programme on the PGCE for many years and has extensive experience as a teacher, trainer, mentor, researcher and a particular strength in music technology and e-learning.

Prior to entering higher education Duncan had 18 years secondary school teaching experience including as Head of Music.

In 2005 he was awarded a Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship.



Duncan is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Education, leads the Professional Studies programme and is PGCE Secondary Music Curriculum Tutor in the School of Education and Social Work. He came to Sussex following 18 years teaching in secondary education.